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'proton scattering (nuclear reactions)' 

Stopping powers and ranges for protons and alpha particles / International Commission on Radiation units and Measurements (1993)
Titre : Stopping powers and ranges for protons and alpha particles Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : International Commission on Radiation units and Measurements, Éditeur scientifique Editeur : Bethesda (USA) : ICRU Année de publication : 1993 Collection : ICRU Report num. 49 Importance : 286 P. Présentation : Broche. Couv. en coul., graph., tabl. Format : 28 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-913394-47-2 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : 06.00 Metrology, measurements, and laboratory procedures Mots-clés : proton radiative capture proton scattering (nuclear reactions) alpha-particle-induced nuclear reactions collisions elementary particles energy losses atom and molecular scattering Index. décimale : 06.00 Résumé : 1 introduction - 2 electronic (collision) stopping powers from bethe s theory - 3 electronic collision stopping powers in the low-energy region - 4 nuclear stopping powers - 5 comparison of tabulated and experimental stopping powers - 6 energy-loss straggling - 7 ranges and detour factors - 8 stopping-power znd range tables - 9 description of methods for stopping-power measurements - main proton tables - main alpha particle tables Exemplaires (1)
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