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The molecular orbital theory of conjugated systems / Lionel Salem (1966)
Titre : The molecular orbital theory of conjugated systems Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Lionel Salem, Auteur Editeur : Amsterdam : Benjamin W. A. Année de publication : 1966 Importance : XV-576 P Présentation : Relié. Format : 23 cm Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : AB.00 Organic and inorganic chemistry Mots-clés : conjugated hydrocarbons reactivity orbital interactions Index. décimale : AB.00 Résumé : 1- the simple lcao molecular orbital theory (huckel theory) 2- sel-consistent field molecular orbital methods for the ground state 3- molecular orbital theory and some properties of the ground state 4- molecular orbital theory of the magnetic properties of closed shells 5- molecular orbital theory of radicals and other systems with unpaired electrons 6- molecular orbital theory of the transition state. chemical reactivity 7- molecular orbital theory and the excited states of conjugated systems. uv spectra 8- molecular orbital theory of distortions in conjugated molecules Exemplaires (1)
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