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Quantum field theory in condensed matter physics / Alexei M. Tsvelik (1995)
Titre : Quantum field theory in condensed matter physics Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Alexei M. Tsvelik, Auteur Editeur : Cambridge : Cambridge University Press Année de publication : 1995 Importance : XVI-332 P. Présentation : Broche. Couv. en coul. Format : 23 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-521-58989-5 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : (71.00) Proprietes electroniques de la matiere condensee. Structure de bande. Transport electronique ds la matiere condensee Mots-clés : quantum field theory condensed matter path-integral methods (atomic physics) renormalization aharonov-bohm effect Index. décimale : 71.00 Résumé : introductiion to the methods 1. qft : language and goals 2. path integrals 3. definitions of correlation functions 4. free bosonic field in an external field 5. perturbation theory . feynman diagrams 6. calculation methods for diagram series 7. renormalization group procedures 8. o(n)-symmetric vector model below the transition point 9. nonlinear sigma models in two dimensions 10. o(3)-nonliner sigma model in the strong coupling limit fermions 11. path integrals and wick's theorem for fermions 12. electrodynamics in metals 13. relativistic fermions 14. aharanov-bohm effect strongly fluctuation spin systems 15. schwinger-wigner quantization procedure 16. o(3)-nonlinear sigma model in (2+1) dimensions 17. order from disorder 18. jordan-wigner transformation for spin s=1-2 models 19. majorana representation for spin s= 1-2 magnets 20. path integral representations physics in the world of one spatial dimension 21. model of the free bosonic massless scalar field 22. relevant and irrelevant fields 23. kosterlitz-thouless transition 24. conformal symmetry 25. definition of conformal invariance 26. ising model 27. spin s = 1-2 heisenberg chain 28. one-dimensional fermions with spin 29. katz-moody algebras 30. wess-zumino-novikov-witten model 31. gauge fixing in non-abelian theories 32. spin s = 1 heisenberg chain 33. kondo chain 34. conformal theory cookbook 35. conclusion index Exemplaires (1)
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