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Ab Initio calculations / Petr Carsky (1980)
Titre : Ab Initio calculations : Methods and applications in chemistry Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Petr Carsky, Auteur ; M. Urban, Auteur Editeur : Berlin : Springer-Verlag Année de publication : 1980 Collection : Lecture Notes in Chemistry num. 16 Importance : VI-247 p. Présentation : Broché. graph. Format : 23 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-3-540-10005-8 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : (31.20) Methodes semi-empiriques et ab-initio Mots-clés : Ab initio calculations atoms and molecules Index. décimale : 31.20 Résumé : 1 Introduction - 2 Basic sets - 3 SCF Calculations - 4 Correlation energy - 5 Applications Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité PQ003027 31.20.62 texte imprimé Bibli FERMI 3R1 RDC Recherche Disponible Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics / Dominik Marx (2012)
Titre : Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics : Basic Theory and Advanced Methods Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Dominik Marx, Auteur ; Jurg Hutter, Auteur Editeur : Cambridge : Cambridge University Press Année de publication : 2012 Importance : X-567 P. Présentation : Broché. Couv.ill. en coul., fig., ill. Format : 25 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-1-107-66353-4 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : (31.20) Methodes semi-empiriques et ab-initio Mots-clés : Molecular dynamics Pseudopotential method electronic structure of solids Electronic structure Hydrogen bonding chemical reactions Chemical reactions Index. décimale : 31.20 Résumé : 1 Setting the stage : why ab initio molecular dynamics - 2 Getting started : unifying MD and electronic structure - 3 Implementation : using the plane wave basis set - 4 Atoms with plane waves : accurate pseudopotentials - 5 Beyond standart ab initio molecular dynamics - 6 Beyond norm-conserving pseudopotentials - 7 Computing properties - 8 Parallel computing - 9 From materials to biomolecules - 10 Properties from ab initio simulations Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité PQ003288 31.20.109 texte imprimé Bibli FERMI 3R1 RDC Recherche Emprunté par: Quentin Desdion
Sorti jusqu'au 13/09/2024Ab-initio valence calculations in chemistry / David B. Cook (1974)
Titre : Ab-initio valence calculations in chemistry Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : David B. Cook, Auteur Editeur : London : Butterworks Année de publication : 1974 Importance : IX-271 P. Présentation : Relié. Graph. Format : 24 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-408-70551-6 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : (31.20) Methodes semi-empiriques et ab-initio Mots-clés : schroedinger equation ab initio calculations atomic-orbital methods valence bond calculations electronic structure Index. décimale : 31.20 Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité PQ000487 31.20.28 texte imprimé Bibli FERMI 3R1 RDC Recherche Disponible Alternant molecular orbital method / Ruben Pauncz (1967)
Titre : Alternant molecular orbital method Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Ruben Pauncz, Auteur Editeur : London : W.B. Saunders Année de publication : 1967 Collection : STUDIES IN PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY num. 4 Importance : XIII-246 P. Présentation : Relie. Couv. en coul., Graph. Format : 23 cm Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : (31.20) Methodes semi-empiriques et ab-initio Mots-clés : molecular orbitals molecular-orbital methods Index. décimale : 31.20 Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité PQ000299 31.20.24 texte imprimé Bibli FERMI 3R1 RDC Recherche Disponible Applications of electronic structure theory / Henry F. Schaefer (1977)
Titre : Applications of electronic structure theory Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Henry F. Schaefer, Éditeur scientifique Editeur : New York : Plenum Press Année de publication : 1977 Collection : Modern Theoretical Chemistry num. 4 Importance : XVI-461 P. Présentation : Relié. Graph. Format : 25 cm Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : (31.20) Methodes semi-empiriques et ab-initio Mots-clés : Electronic structure Electronic structure atoms molecules and ions calculations of Hartree Fock approximation Transition metal compounds electrical conductivity of Hydrogen bonding spectroscopy Index. décimale : 31.20 Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité PQ000641 31.20.36 texte imprimé Bibli FERMI 3R1 RDC Recherche Disponible Approximate molecular orbitals theory / J.A. Pople (1970)
PermalinkA chemist's guide to density functional theory / Wolfram Koch (2001)
PermalinkA chemist's guide to valence bond theory / Sason Shaik (2008)
PermalinkCombined quantum mechanical and molecular mechanical methods / Jiali Gao (1998)
PermalinkComputational chemistry and molecular modeling / K.I. Ramachandran (2008)
PermalinkComputational materials science / Kaoru Ohno (1999)
PermalinkComputational methods for large systems / Jeffrey R. Reimers (2011)
PermalinkConceptual Density Functional Theory and Its Application in the Chemical Domain / Nazmul Islam (2018)
PermalinkConceptual Density Functional Theory. Vol 1 / Shubin Liu (2022)
PermalinkConceptual Density Functional Theory. Vol 2 / Shubin Liu (2022)
PermalinkCorrelation and localization / Péter R. Surjan (1999)
PermalinkDensity-functional methods for excited states / Nicolas Ferré (2016)
PermalinkDensity functional theory / Eberhard K.U Gross (1994)
PermalinkDensity functional theory / Eberhard Engel (2011)
PermalinkDensity functional theory / Reiner M. Dreizler (1990)
PermalinkDensity functional theory. I / Roman F. Nalewajski (1996)
PermalinkDensity functional theory. II / Roman F. Nalewajski (1996)
PermalinkDensity functional theory. III / Roman F. Nalewajski (1996)
PermalinkDensity functional theory. IV / Roman F. Nalewajski (1996)
PermalinkDensity-functional theory of atoms and molecules / Robert G. Parr (1989)
PermalinkDensity Functional Theory / David S. Sholl (2023)
PermalinkDensity functionals : theory and applications / Daniel Joubert (1998)
PermalinkDensity-matrix renormalization / Ingo Peschel (1999)
PermalinkDensity matrix theory and applications / Karl Blum (1996)
PermalinkDensity matrix theory and applications / Karl Blum (2012)
PermalinkPermalinkElectron correlation in small molecules / A.C. Hurley (1976)
PermalinkElectronic structure / Richard M. Martin (2004)
PermalinkElementary methods of molecular quantum mechanics / Valerio Magnasco (2007)
PermalinkEnergy density functional theory of many-electron systems / Eugene S. Kryachko (1990)
PermalinkEssentials of computational chemistry / Christopher J. Cramer (2002)
PermalinkExploring aspects of computational chemistry : concepts / Jean-Marie Andre (1997)
PermalinkExploring aspects of computational chemistry : exercises / Jean-Marie Andre (1997)
PermalinkPermalinkFundamentals of Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory / Miguel A.L. Marques (2012)
PermalinkInteracting Electrons Theory and Computational Approaches / Richard M. Martin (2016)
PermalinkIntroduction to all-valence electrons S.C.F. calculations / Gilles Klopman (1971)
PermalinkIntroduction to the quantum world of atoms and molecules / Jens P. Dahl (2001)
PermalinkIntroduction to the quantum world of atoms and molecules : solutions manual / Jens P. Dahl (2001)
PermalinkIntroduction to theoritical organic chemistry and molecular modeling / William B. Smith (1996)
PermalinkJournal of molecular modeling / Tim Clark (1998)
PermalinkMany-Body Methods for Atoms, Molecules and Clusters / Jochen Schirmer (2018)
PermalinkMany-body methods in chemistry and physics / Isaiah Shavitt (2009)
PermalinkMathematical models and methods for ab initio quantum chemistry / Mireille Defranceschi (2000)
PermalinkMethod of molecular quantum mechanics / Roy McWeeny (1969)
PermalinkMethods in molecular orbital theory / A.G. Turner (1974)
PermalinkMethods of electronic structure theory / Henry F. Schaefer (1977)
PermalinkModern density functional theory / Jorge M. Seminario (2007)
PermalinkModern electronic structure theory. Part I / David R. Yarkony (1995)
PermalinkModern electronic structure theory. Part II / David R. Yarkony (1995)
PermalinkModern many-particle physics / Enrico Lipparini (2003)
PermalinkModern quantum chemistry. Part I / Oktay Sinanoglu (1965)
PermalinkModern quantum chemistry. Part II / Oktay Sinanoglu (1965)
PermalinkMolecular electrostatic potentials / Jane S. Murray (1996)
PermalinkMolecular modelling / Andrew R. Leach (2001)
PermalinkMolecular orbitals in chemistry, physics and biology / Per-Olov Löwdin (1964)
PermalinkMonte carlo methods in ab initio quantum chemistry / B.L. Hammond (1994)
PermalinkMultiscale Dynamics Simulations / Dennis R. Salahub (2022)
PermalinkA new dimension to quantum chemistry / Y. Yamaguchi (1994)
PermalinkNotes on molecular orbital calculations / J.D. Roberts (1962)
PermalinkOrganic quantum chemistry problems / R. Zaharadnik (1973)
PermalinkA primer in density functional theory / Carlos Fiolhais (2003)
PermalinkPrinciples and applications of density functional theory in inorganic chemistry. Vol I / Nikolas Kaltsoyannis (2004)
PermalinkPrinciples and applications of density functional theory in inorganic chemistry. Vol II / Nikolas Kaltsoyannis (2004)
PermalinkPseudopotential theory of atoms and molecules / Levente Szasz (1985)
PermalinkQuantum chemistry / Ira N. Levine (1991)
PermalinkQuantum Chemistry / Ira N. Levine (2014)
PermalinkQuantum chemistry / Raymond Daudel (1959)
PermalinkQuantum Chemistry of Solids / Robert A. Evarestov (2012)
PermalinkQuantum chemistry. Vol.1 / Ira N. Levine (1970)
PermalinkQuantum Monte Carlo Approaches for Correlated Systems / Federico Becca (2017)
PermalinkQuantum Monte Carlo Methods / James E. Gubernatis (2016)
PermalinkQuantum Monte Carlo / James B. Anderson (2007)
PermalinkQuantum Monte-Carlo Programming / Wolfgang Schattke (2013)
PermalinkQuantum Simulations of Complex Many-Body Systems: From Theory to Algorithms / Johannes Grotendorst (2002)
PermalinkQuantum systems in chemistry and physics. Part 1 / Alfonso Hernandez-Laguna (2000)
PermalinkQuantum systems in chemistry and physics. Part 2 / Alfonso Hernandez-Laguna (2000)
PermalinkRecent advances in density functional methods. Part I / Delano P. Chong (1995)
PermalinkRecent advances in density functional methods. Part II / Delano P. Chong (1997)
PermalinkRecent advances in density functional methods. Part III / Vincenzo Barone (2002)
PermalinkRecent Progress in Orbital-free Density Functional Theory / Tomasz A. Wesolowski (2013)
PermalinkReduced density matrices / A. John Coleman (2000)
PermalinkReduced density matrices in quantum chemistry / Ernest Roy Davidson (1976)
PermalinkRelativistic and electron correlation effects in molecules and solids / G.L. Malli (1994)
PermalinkRelativistic effects in chemistry. Part B / Krishnan Balasubramanian (1997)
PermalinkRelativistic effects in chemistry. Part A, / Krishnan Balasubramanian (1997)
PermalinkRelativistic effects in heavy-element chemistry and physics / Bernd A. Hess (2003)
PermalinkSemi-empirical methods of electronic structure calculation. Part A / G.A. Segal (1977)
PermalinkSemi-empirical self-consistent-field molecular orbital theory of molecules / J.N. Murrell (1972)
PermalinkSemi empirical wave-mechanical calculations on polyatomic molecules / Raymond Daudel (1971)
PermalinkSimple Models of Many-Fermion Systems / Joachim Alexander Maruhn (2010)
PermalinkStrategies and applications in quantum chemistry / Y. Ellinger (1996)
PermalinkThe electronic structure of atoms and molecules / Henry F. Schaefer (1972)
PermalinkThe HMO model and its application. 1 / Edgar Heilbronner (1976)