> 70.00 Condensed matter : electron. struct., electrical, magnetic, and optical prop.
70.00 Condensed matter : electron. struct., electrical, magnetic, and optical prop. |
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100 Years of Superconductivity / Horst Rogalla (2012)
Titre : 100 Years of Superconductivity Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Horst Rogalla, Éditeur scientifique ; Peter H. Kes, Éditeur scientifique Editeur : London : CRC Press Année de publication : 2012 Importance : XXXIII-830 P. Présentation : Relié. Couv. Ill. en coul., graph., tabl. Format : 26 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-1-4398-4946-0 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : (74.00) Supraconductivite Mots-clés : Superconductivity History of science Electric fields Temperature Fullerenes and related materials SQUID devices Superconductor insulator transitions Biological materials biomedical engineering Index. décimale : 74.00 Résumé : 1 Early History - 2 Theory - 3 Experiments - 4 Materials - 5 SQUIDS and detectors - Qubits - 7 Digital electronics - 8 Microwave applications - 9 Quantum metrology - 10 Medical applications - 11 Wires and tapes - 12 Large scale applications Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité PQ003249 74.00.ROG texte imprimé Bibli FERMI 3R4 Recherche Disponible 50 years of Anderson localization / Elihu Abrahams (2010)
Titre : 50 years of Anderson localization Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Elihu Abrahams, Auteur Editeur : London : World University Library Année de publication : 2010 Importance : XI-597 p. Présentation : Broché. Couv.ill.en coul. : ill., graph., fig. Format : 25 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-981-4299-07-7 Langues : Français (fre) Catégories : (74.00) Supraconductivite Mots-clés : Anderson localization History of science Manganites magnetotransport materials Supersymmetry Criticality self organized Entropy Temperature Metal insulator transition Mathematical methods in physics Index. décimale : 74.00 Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité PQ003162 74.00.ABR texte imprimé Bibli FERMI 3R4 Recherche Disponible Algebraic and diagrammatic methods in many-fermion theory / Frank E. Harris (1992)
Titre : Algebraic and diagrammatic methods in many-fermion theory Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Frank E. Harris, Auteur ; H.J. Monkhorst, Auteur ; D.L. Freeman, Auteur Editeur : New York : Oxford University Press Année de publication : 1992 Importance : VII-403 P. Présentation : Relié. Couv. en coul., graph. Format : 24 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-19-506130-7 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : (71.90) Probleme a N-corps Mots-clés : coupled cluster theory operator theory algebraic methods fermions configuration interaction calculations many-body theory perturbation theory Index. décimale : 71.90 Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité PQ001117 71.90.26 texte imprimé Bibli FERMI 3R4 Recherche Disponible An introduction to the quantum chemistry of solids / C.M. Quinn (1973)
Titre : An introduction to the quantum chemistry of solids Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : C.M. Quinn, Auteur Editeur : Oxford : Clarendon Press Année de publication : 1973 Importance : VIII-308 P. Présentation : Relie. Couv. en coul., Graph. Format : 24 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-0-19-855133-1 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : (71.00) Proprietes electroniques de la matiere condensee. Structure de bande. Transport electronique ds la matiere condensee Mots-clés : crystallography group theory plane-wave method tight binding approximation greens functions pseudopotential method Index. décimale : 71.00 Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité PQ000436 71.00.60 texte imprimé Bibli FERMI 3R1 RDC Recherche Disponible Applications des ferrites et ceramiques / H.M. Schlicke (1965)
Titre : Applications des ferrites et ceramiques Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : H.M. Schlicke, Auteur Editeur : Paris : Dunod Année de publication : 1965 Importance : XVII Présentation : Relie. Graph., Ill Format : 23 cm Langues : Français (fre) Catégories : (76.00) Physique du solide experimentale Mots-clés : Ferrites Ceramics Index. décimale : 76.00 Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité PT002003 76.00.7 texte imprimé Bibli FeRMI 3R1 sous-sol Recherche Disponible Applied many-body methods in spectroscopy and electronic structure / D. Mukherjee (1992)
PermalinkAtomic many-body theory / Ingvar Lindgren (1982)
PermalinkAtomic many-body theory / Ingvar Lindgren (1986)
PermalinkAtomistic Spin Dynamics / Olle Eriksson (2017)
PermalinkBand theory of solids / Simon L. Altmann (1991)
PermalinkBasic Aspects of the Quantum Theory of Solids / Daniel I. Khomskii (2010)
PermalinkBasic notions of condensed matter physics / Philip W. Anderson (1984)
PermalinkBasic Semiconductor Physics / Chihiro Hamaguchi (2023)
PermalinkBCS: 50 Years / L.N. Cooper (2011)
PermalinkBeautiful models / Bill Sutherland (2004)
PermalinkBerry Phases in Electronic Structure Theory / David Vanderbilt (2018)
PermalinkBonding and structure of molecules and solids / David G. Pettifor (1995)
PermalinkBonds and bands in semiconductors / J.C. Phillips (1973)
PermalinkBosonization of interacting fermions in arbitrary dimensions / P. Kopietz (1997)
PermalinkCarbon-based magnetism / T. Makarova (2006)
PermalinkCollected papers of L.D. Landau / Lev Davidovitch Landau (1965)
PermalinkColossal magnetoresistance, charge ordering and related properties of manganese oxides / C.N.R. Rao (1998)
PermalinkComputational Modelling of Molecular Nanomagnets / Gopalan Rajaraman (2023)
PermalinkConcepts in solids / Philip W. Anderson (1992)
PermalinkConcepts in solids / Philip W. Anderson (1963)
PermalinkCondensed matter physics / Michael P. Marder (2000)
PermalinkCondensed Matter Physics / Michael P. Marder (2010)
PermalinkCore Level Spectroscopy of Solids / Franck Groot de (2008)
PermalinkCorrelated electron systems / V.J. Emery (1992)
PermalinkA Course in Quantum Many-Body Theory / Michele Fabrizio (2022)
PermalinkCrystal chemistry of high-tc superconducting copper oxides / Bernard Raveau (1991)
PermalinkDensity Functionals for Many-Particle Systems / Berthold-Georg Englert (2023)
PermalinkDielectric relaxation / V.V. Daniel (1967)
PermalinkDielectrics - intermolecular forces - optical rotation / R. Cole (1965)
PermalinkDiscontinuous Phase Transitions in Condensed Matter / Vladimir Dmitriev (2023)
PermalinkDomain Walls / Dennis Meier (2020)
PermalinkEffective interactions and operators in nuclei / B.R. Barrett (1975)
PermalinkEffective medium theory / Tuck C. Choy (1999)
PermalinkL'effet Mossbauer et ses applications a l'etude des champs internes / Anatole Abragam (1964)
PermalinkElectrical and magnetic properties of metals / J.K. Stanley (1963)
PermalinkElectrical Conduction in Graphene and Nanotubes / Shigeji Fujita (2013)
PermalinkElectromagnetic and quantum properties of materials / Allen Nussbaum (1966)
PermalinkElectron correlation in molecules and condensed phases / Norman H. March (1996)
PermalinkElectron correlation in the solid state / Norman H. March (1999)
PermalinkElectron correlations in molecules and solids / Peter Fulde (1993)
PermalinkElectron correlations in molecules and solids / Peter Fulde (1995)
PermalinkElectron-electron interactions in disordered systems / Alex L. Efros (1985)
PermalinkElectron & Nuclear Spin Dynamics in Semiconductor Nanostructures / M.M. Glazov (2018)
PermalinkElectron paramagnetic resonance / S.A. Al'tshuler (1964)
PermalinkElectronic energy bands in solids / L. Pincherle (1971)
PermalinkElectronic processes in ionic crystals / Nevill Francis Mott (1950)
PermalinkElectronic Processes in Non-Crystalline Materials / Nevill Francis Mott (1979)
PermalinkElectronic processes in solids / Pierre R. Aigrain (1960)
PermalinkElectronic properties of diamonds / F.C. Champion (1963)
PermalinkElectronic properties of materials / Rolf E. Hummel (2012)
PermalinkElectronic quantum transport in mesoscopic semiconductor structures / Thomas Ihn (2004)
PermalinkElectronic structure and magnetism of complex materials / D.J. Singh (2003)
PermalinkElectronic structure and the properties of solids / W.A. Harrison (1989)
PermalinkElectronic structure and the properties of solids / W.A. Harrison (1980)
PermalinkElectronic transport in mesoscopic systems / Supriyo Datta (1995)
PermalinkElectrons and phonons / John Michael Ziman (1967)
PermalinkElement of material science / L.H. Van Vlack (1964)
PermalinkElementary excitations in solids / David Pines (1963)
PermalinkElementary theory of metals. Topics II / B. Donovan (1967)
PermalinkElements de mecanique statistique des systemes en interaction forte / J. Barriol (1974)
PermalinkElements of Modern X-ray Physics / Jens Als-Nielsen (2011)
PermalinkL'emission photoelectrique / P. Vernier (1963)
PermalinkEPR of Exchange Coupled Systems / Alessandro Bencini (2012)
PermalinkExcitonic processes in solids / M. Ueta (1986)
PermalinkExcitons and Cooper Pairs / Monique Combescot (2015)
PermalinkFerrites / R.A. Waldron (1961)
PermalinkFerrites at microwave frequencies / A.G. Gurevich (1963)
PermalinkFerroelectric crystals / F. Jona (1962)
PermalinkFerroelectricity / E.F. Weller (1967)
PermalinkFerroelectricity in crystals / H. Megaw (1957)
PermalinkFerromagnetic-relaxation theory / M. Sparks (1964)
PermalinkFerromagnetic resonance / S.V. Vonsovskii (1966)
PermalinkField theoretical methods in many-body systems / D.A. Kirzhnits (1967)
PermalinkField theories for low-dimensional condensed matter systems / G. Morandi (2000)
PermalinkField theories of condensed matter systems / Eduardo Fradkin (1991)
PermalinkField theories of condensed matter systems / Eduardo Fradkin (2013)
PermalinkField Theory of Condensed Matter and Ultracold Gases. Vol. 1 / Nicolas Dupuis (2023)
PermalinkFields and configurations / J. Artley (1965)
PermalinkFoundations of Solid State Physics / Siegmar Roth (2019)
PermalinkFractional statistics and anyon superconductivity / F. Wilczek (1990)
PermalinkFrom hamiltonians to phase diagrams / Jürgen Hafner (1987)
PermalinkFrustrated spin systems / Hung T. Diep (2004)
PermalinkFundamentals and applications of magnetic materials / Kannan M. Krishnan (2016)
PermalinkFundamentals of Condensed Matter Physics / Marvin L. Cohen (2016)
PermalinkFundamentals of Electronic Materials and Devices / Avik Ghosh (2023)
PermalinkFundamentals of Magnetism / M. Reis (2013)
PermalinkFundamentals of Semiconductor Materials and Devices / Adrian Kitai (2023)
PermalinkFundamentals of semiconductors / Peter Y. Yu (2003)
PermalinkA guide to Feynman diagrams in the many-body problem / Richard D. Mattuck (1992)
PermalinkHandbook of microwave ferrite materials / W.H. Von Aulock (1965)
PermalinkHartree-fock ab-initio treatment of crystalline systems / C. Pisani (1988)
PermalinkInteracting electrons and quantum magnetism / A. Auerbach (1994)
PermalinkInteraction of radiation with matter / L.A. Radicati di brozolo (1987)
PermalinkInteractions between electromagnetic fields and matter / K.-H. Steiner (1973)
PermalinkIntroducing Molecular electronics / Gianaurelio Cuniberti (2005)