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Auteur P.C. Deshmukh |
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Foundations of Classical Mechanics / P.C. Deshmukh (2019)
Titre : Foundations of Classical Mechanics Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : P.C. Deshmukh, Auteur Editeur : Cambridge : Cambridge University Press Année de publication : 2019 Importance : XXX-560 P. Présentation : Relié, couv. ill. en coul. : graph. Format : 24 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-1-108-48056-7 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : (03.20) Mecanique classique, relativite restreinte et theorie classique des champs Mots-clés : Classical mechanics Newtonian mechanics Harmonic oscillators Lorentz transformation Mechanics Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Fourier analysis Index. décimale : 03.20 Résumé : 1. Laws of mechanics and symmetry principles. - 2. Mathematical preliminaries. - 3. Real effects of pseudo-forces: description of motion in accelerated frame of reference. - 4. Small oscillations and wave motion. - 5. Damped and driven oscillations. - Resonances. - 6. The variational principle. - 7. Angular momentum and rigid body dynamics. - 8. The gravitational interaction in Newtonian mechanics. - 9. Complex behavior of simple system. - 10. Gradient operator, methods of fluid mechanics, and electrodynamics. - 11. Rudiments of fluid mechanics. - 12. Basic principles of electrodynamics. - 13. Introduction to special theory of relativity. - 14. A glimpse of the general theory of relativity Exemplaires (1)
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